Undoubtedly, Sophia Hadjipanteli managed to become the audience’s favourite judge in just a few episodes of Greece’s Next Top Model. It is for this reason that they have been desperate to see her return.
The famous model, who won the admiration and love of the world with her special looks and explosive personality, stayed on the fashion reality show only for the auditions phase and then left due to her professional commitments abroad.
However, according to a report from the “Breakfast@Star” show, the public’s wish was heard and Sophia Hadjipanteli is returning to GNTM, despite initial reports weeks ago that she will not return.
As reported, the first filming has already taken place and the judge will soon be on the reality show. In fact, she will be with the models on the set, where they will be photographed.
This time, Sophia Hadjipanteli does not intend to stay in the modeling reality for just a few episodes, as she will be on the jury with Yiorgos Karavas, Anastasios Sofroniou and Vicky Kaya, deciding which girl will leave each time.
With a Greek-Cypriot father and a British mother, Sophia Hadjipanteli carves her own path towards acceptance of diversity.
She has made her own statement against the stereotypical standards of perfect beauty and is famous all over the world for her united, thick, natural, impressive brows.
The #UnibrowMovement has begun, a body positive movement that ignores the “shoulds” and promotes mold-free beauty and the freedom for people to feel confident with their unique features but also do whatever they want to look the way they want.
She has been photographed in international magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, New York Times and Vanity Fair and has worked with leading designers such as Jean-Paul Gaultier.
READ MORE: Sophia Hadjipanteli: Her Sexiest Photo Yet.