Beautiful mural inaugurated in Athens school by Belgian Embassy

Belgium Belgian Embassy Mural

Belgian artist Kitsune decorated the outside wall surface of the 4th-5th joint middle high school in the Athens district of Korydallos with a beautiful mural which was inaugurated by the Belgian Embassy on Monday.

The inauguration was held in cooperation with the municipality of Korydallos and street art organisation Awesome Athens Experiences.

The painting depicts a young woman holding her cat, surrounded by the Paeonia Parnassica, a native flower of Mount Parnassus that is sensitive to climate change, a reference to the importance of the environment and animals, it was noted in an announcement by the embassy.

Ambassador of Belgium to Greece Françoise Gustin explained that the embassy "wanted to contribute to the efforts of the municipality to revamp the neighbourhood."

"We wanted to put the emphasis on the aspiration of greener cities, respectful of environment and animals, bringing a warm and cheerful message, especially to the children," said the ambassador.

"The choice of the artist to include the Paeonia Parnassica could not have been more suitable for highlighting the theme of sustainability and health that the embassy chose," he added.

The Belgian Embassy also noted that in addition to the artistic aspect, this project also holds a social and urban dimension, due to its desire to bring color and culture to a neighbourhood and more specifically to a school, as a gift to the children.

The theme chosen by the Embassy is sustainability and sustainable development, an important theme for both Greece and Belgium, the Belgian Embassy highlighted.

Belgium-based artist Kitsune said that "this design honors the cats of Greece," and referring to the flower he said it is "a good symbol of how precious our environment and climate actually is, and how we should be mindful of the sustainability of our lifestyle.”

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