MEDUSA 12: India’s First Steps with Greece in the East Mediterranean

Medusa 12

From Saturday 19 November to Friday 25 November 2022, the “MEDUSA 12” military exercises between Greece and Egypt are taking place, in which Cyprus, the USA and Saudi Arabia have been invited and are participating with personnel. India is also participating as an observer.

“The exercise has been taking place since 2015 alternately between the two Countries, this year it is being held in the wider area of ​​Alexandria Egypt with participants from France, Germany, India, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, the Congo, the Morocco, Bahrain, Romania and Serbia,” the statement said.

The Medusa exercise

Exercise “MEDUSA 12” aims to strengthen the cooperation of the Armed Forces of the participating countries, as well as to conduct operational training at an interdisciplinary level and in a multi-threat environment, strengthening the role played by Greece and Egypt in the wider Mediterranean region, Middle East and North Africa as pillars of stability and security.

The series of “MEDUSA” exercises is part of the overall planning of the Greek military regarding the international cooperation of the Armed Forces as well as the Military Cooperation Program (MCP) of Greece and Egypt for the year 2022 and further deepens the excellent and multi-level relations between the two Countries.

The Hellenic Armed Forces are participating with personnel and means from the three branches of the Armed Forces, as well as the newly created Special Warfare Command of the Greek Armed Forces, as below:

• 4 Aircraft (A/F) F-16
• 4 Attack Helicopters (AE/P) AH-64.
• 2 Helicopters (E/P) CH-47D.
• 2 Frigates (F/C HELLI and F/C NAVARINON) with their personnel E/P.
• 1 Tanker (A/C CHIOS).
• 1 Submarine (Y/V KATSONIS).
• 10 Inflatable Boats.
• 4 Wheeled Armored Vehicles (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle – HMMWVs).
• 1 Underwater Disaster Team of the Underwater Disaster Management (DMD).
• 1 Company of Marines from the 32nd Marine Brigade.
• 1 Team of Free Fall Paratroopers from the Special Paratrooper Department (ETA).

The Egyptian Armed Forces participate with:

• 18 multi-role A/F.
• 6 E/P.
• 1 Mistral LHD vessel.
• 1 F/G.
• 1 Bedroom.
• 2 Corvettes (K/B).
• 2 Special Operations Boats RHIB (Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat).
• 4 Zodiac Mk V Rubber Boats.
• 8 HMMWVs.
• 1 Special Forces Company of the Land Forces.
• 1 Navy Special Forces Group.
• 1 Team of Paratroopers.
• 1 Motorized Infantry Company (OPFOR).

The Armed Forces of Cyprus participate with:

• 1 AW-139 aircraft.
• 1 General Support Vessel (GUS).
• 1 Underwater Disaster Team.
• 1 Group of Special Forces – Paratroopers.

The Saudi Arabian Armed Forces participate with:

• 1 Corvette with the staff of the E/P.
• 1 Special Forces (SOF) Team.
• 1 Squad of Marines.

The US Armed Forces participate with 1 Marine Group.

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