Four Greek-American Physicians Made Archons by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Four Greek-American Physicians Made Archons by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

The Ecumenical Patriarch ordained his attending physicians, Dr. George Dangas, Dr. George Syros, Dr. John Thomas, and Dr. Stamatos Lekhrakis.

CONSTANTINOPOLE – Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew named as Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate the four Greek-American doctors who stood by his side and spearheaded his recovery during his stay in the United States in November, 2021.

Dr. George Dangas, Dr. Stamatios Lerakis, Dr. George Syros, and Dr. John Thomas monitored the progress of His All-Holiness’ health, which led to a successful stent placement at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan.

In the presence of Archbishop of America Elpidophoros, as well as pilgrims from the United States on their way to the Holy Land, Bartholomew praised the four doctors for their scientific training and their ethics.

“We honour you for your scholarship and ethos, your contributions to the field of medicine and your humanity, your devotion to the Great Church, your faith in the traditions of Orthodoxy, and for your modern spirit,” said the Patriarch.

His All-Holiness also spoke about the relationship between science and faith, stressing that, in essence, they are ‘communicating vessels’, while he severely criticized extremist circles within the Church who separate their positions from those of scientists, citing as examples being the priests and bishops who expressed such positions during the pandemic