Greek Police: 2022 had the lowest number of homocides in the last 11 years

Greek police

Greek police announced the statistics for the homicides committed in the 11th month of 2022, with the data showing that between January and November of this year, the lowest number of murders has occurred in the last 11 years.

The same applies to the number of homicides that have been solved with the rate reaching 90%, the highest since 2011, as shown in the table below.

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At the same time, the Minister of Citizen Protection, Takis Theodorikakos, announced on Wednesday morning that new changes will be implemented.

"We are making a number of changes to the police, releasing officers from off-duty to return to their services. 150 DIAS (motorcycle unit) men and women return immediately and the number of patrols increases significantly," Theodorikakos said.

"There has been a clear order to increase patrols and it has been achieved for a long time," added the Minister of Citizen Protection when speaking to SKAI.

As he emphasised, "from the first day I took over, my main concern is for the police to strengthen their presence in the neighbourhoods. Is it true that it was enhanced or not?"

Finally, he said that in January there will be reshuffles.

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