One photo on Twitter was enough for the Minister of Health, Thanos Plevris, to start the procedures to impose a fine on a nightclub where Despina Vandi was performing for not complying with the anti-smoking law.
In particular, Plevris, in his post on social media, shared a photo in which the partner of Despina Vandi, Vassilis Bisbikis, is seen holding a cigarette in the nightclub where his beloved appears, enjoying herself on stage.
As the Minister of Health writes, "based on this photo, the process is underway to impose a fine on the shop and those who are illegal". "The law applies to everyone and smoking indoors is PROHIBITED," he emphasizes.
Thanos Plevris's post in detail:
Επειδή ο αντικαπνιστικός νόμος και ισχύει και εφαρμόζεται ήδη με βάση αυτήν την φωτογραφία κινείται η διαδικασία να επιβληθεί το πρόστιμο στο μαγαζί και σε όσους παρανομούν. Ο νόμος ισχύει για όλους και το κάπνισμα στον εσωτερικό χώρο ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ
— Θάνος Πλεύρης (@thanosplevris) December 26, 2022
However, as pointed out by several users who commented on the minister's post, the anti-smoking law in nightclubs is not being respected, especially after the pandemic, while there are several who point out that more checks should be done.
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