A priest who presides over a church in the centre of Athens is accused of sexually harassing a taxi driver, while with his blessings, a young man allegedly turned his house into a Pakistani mosque.
The priest seems to have given in to his sick sexual passions and went so far as to shamelessly assault a taxi driver.
The taxi driver, who is married, could not stand the priest's romantic proposals and, disgusted, went to his home in the centre of Athens, according to News Break. There he argued with the priest and asked him not to bother him again, going so far as to hit him.
But despite his beating, the priest did not press charges against the taxi driver, in the face of the scandal that would erupt...
For his part, the taxi driver reported the sexual harassment against the priest to the Archdiocese of Athens, requesting his removal from the church where he serves.
The officials of the Archdiocese called on the priest to testify and resign from his position in the church where he serves, but he denied the complaints against him.
In fact, according to Ekklisia Online, he "recruited" two metropolitans with whom he maintains friendly relations, in order to "forget" the matter that was created.
After the intervention of the two hierarchs, one from an island and one from the region of Attica, the complaint against the priest seems to have been filed. But the taxi driver was determined to stop the action of the perverted, according to him, priest.
However, the same priest seems to have created other problems.
According to a post on the same ecclesiastical website, it is alleged that the cemetery church has hired a young man, an executive of the extra-parliamentary Left party, who has given illegal immigrants his property in Mykoniatika of Agioi Anargyroi.
The Pakistanis who were given the property turned it into an illegal mosque, causing trouble in the neighbourhood.
Residents of the area complained that the young man, with the priest's blessings, turned the house into an illegal mosque! In fact, they are afraid to spend the evenings outside the area, while they are also worried about the safety of their children.
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