ELSTAT: Registered Greek population is under 10 million

Ermou Street Athens greek population greeks

The registered population of Greece amounts to 9,716,889 people, according to the the population-residential census conducted by ELSTAT in 2021.

The detailed data of the Statistical Authority by regional unit and and municipal unit will be published in the Official Gazette. At the same time, they were sent to the Minister of the Interior, Makis Voridis, in order to determine the new allocation of seats for the parliamentary elections in January.

See HERE for the full data

According to Proto Thema, a total of 16 seats are changing hands with the main consequence being the further strengthening of the number of MP’s elected in the districts of the capital, in which five additional MP’s will be elected.

Among the big losers are Epirus and Western Macedonia, who lose two seats.

In particular, based on the new population data, the Southern Sector of Athens II and the Eastern Attica region win two seats, while the Northern Sector of Athens II, the Western Sector of Athens II, and Thessaloniki A will have one additional seat, and Achaia.

On the other hand, these seats will be removed from First Piraeus, Serres, Fthiotida, Magnesia, Kozani, Arta, as well as Kastoria and Thesprotia, which will now become uni-seated regions.

READ MORE: The Greek island that records population growth – 4th in Greece, 1st in the Cyclades.