IOANNINA: Risky plane took off in the middle of fog - Watch the video

Ioannina, Giannina, Yannena epirus

With a delay of several hours and in extremely difficult conditions because of dense fog, the take-off of an Aegean aircraft from the airport of Ioannina to Athens finally took place on Thursday night.

According to Epirus Post, the first attempt to take off was made with the use of a safety vehicle, but it was not completed due to the limited visibility, as a result of which the Airbus aircraft was driven to another place, waiting for the sky to clear.

Finally at about 21:30 in the evening there was an "opening" of the weather to give the "green light" for take-off.

Those outside erupted in applause and shouted "well done" as the plane disappeared into the fog after the captain and crew thanked the people at the control tower at Ioannina airport for their cooperation.

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