Mitsotakis’ message from Gavdos to Turkey – His visit in photos

Mitsotakis in Gavdos Epiphany 2023

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a double message on Epiphany Day from the island of Gavdos in a highly symbolic visit.

On this visit, Mitsotakis became the first prime minister to visit the island after Kostas Simitis went to the island in 1996. In fact, the current prime minister is only the second in history to makes such a visit.

“The first message concerns our government’s commitment to supporting all the remote areas of our country,” he underlined.–y4UPKaEI

He added that the second message is broader and stated: “I want to repeat here from Gavdos that Greece does not accept suggestions on how to exercise its sovereignty and its sovereign rights. We have proven that we are a peace force, but at the same time we are also a self-confidence force.”

“We know that based on International Law we can resolve any of our differences peacefully. We have also proven it by demarcating an Exclusive Economic Zone with Egypt and Italy,” the premier said.

“We also know that this is the path we must take in order to resolve any other differences we have with our neighbors,” Mitsotakis added.

It is recalled that government controlled media in Turkey are shifting a narrative that Gavdos is a “Turkish island”.

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The last stop of his visit was the village of Ampelos, where he had the opportunity to meet, exchange wishes and discuss with Mrs. Christine, one of the oldest permanent residents of the island.

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Mitsotakis was accompanied during his visit to the island by the Regional Governor of Crete, Stavros Arnaoutakis and the MPs of Chania from the ND, Manousos Voloudakis and Vassilis Digalakis.


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