After his dance on stage, which went viral, someone at an Antonis Remos concert challenged the zeibekiko of Vasilis Bisbikis. This was a woman, who got on the dance floor while the music was playing and was adored by the audience.
A video of the blonde woman dancing next to the singer is making the rounds on TikTok, while quite a few profiles leave comments under it, telling her "well done".
However, the artist did the same, who after praising her for her dance, compared her one with that of Vasilis Bisbikis.
It seems that the woman's dance was liked more than that of the actor on stage next to Despina Vandi. “Well done my girl, that's it. Bisbikis and mal..., these are zeibekeikos", Antonis Remos can be heard saying, while "bathing" the girl with flowers.
Cheers covered the dance floor as the singer hugged her to congratulate her on her passion while the audience gave her a standing ovation.
Watch the video:
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