The former Member of Parliament and current SYRIZA candidate, Makis Balaouras, attended a gathering of the Pakistani community in Ilia yesterday and spoke.
"I am from SYRIZA, a former Member of Parliament here in the prefecture of Ilia and I will be a candidate again," said Balaouras in the relevant video, adding that "SYRIZA is on the side of the people who work and suffer."
The former SYRIZA Member of Parliament reminded those present that as a Member of Parliament he was the one who made the law with the trademark, "which said not only to get your money, but also to have good conditions to live".
Afterwards, Balaouras turned his arrows against the government as well: "However, the New Democracy - we did not have time to fix everything - when it came, it abolished everything.
"And now, the New Democracy wants to expel you and bring land workers by plane and then return to their homeland. They did experiments and this resulted in no land workers for the strawberry's in the area, but also for other work.
"Nor are there enough workers who come, but they also lack experience. You here have experience, you have gained knowledge. We will change all this. Thank you. It is my honour to be with you and I hope we will find ourselves in better conditions."
At the end of the video, the audience bursts into applause and one of the community members exclaims that "we support SYRIZA."
Adonis Georgiadis commented on the video and the words of the former SYRIZA MP via Twitter.
"Many of my friends pretend that they don't understand the ideological and political differences between New Democracy and SYRIZA in terms of Immigration Policy. Here, Mr. Balaouras honestly tells the truth: 'if we win, we will do what we didn't manage to do etc.' The choice is yours," he wrote.
Πολλοί φίλοι μου υποκρίνονται ότι δεν αντιλαμβάνονται τις ιδεολογικές και πολιτικές διάφορες μεταξύ της ΝΔ και του Σύριζα ως προς την Μεταναστευτική Πολιτική. Εδώ ο κ. Μπαλαούρας με ειλικρίνεια λέει την αλήθεια: «εάν κερδίσουμε θα κάνουμε όσα δεν προλάβαμε κλπ».Η επιλογή δική σας
— Άδωνις Γεωργιάδης (@AdonisGeorgiadi) March 20, 2023
READ MORE: SYRIZA and Pakistanis march in the centre of Athens and demand open borders (VIDEOS)