The contestants of My Style Rocks are invited to bring Bollywood air to the set today at 18.00. Shiny silk and colourful saris, impressive gold jewelry, kaftans, multiple layers and especially head pieces compose images that look like they were taken from the movie frames of the Bombay studios.
Will the fashionistas succeed in achieving their goal by bringing their ensembles to 2023 or will the looks resemble something from... a suit?
Dimitris Skoulos, Iliana Papageorgiou and Stelios Koudounaris are ready to listen to the girls' imaginative concepts and judge their looks. What will be their reaction when a contestant decides to change the... concept at the time of her appearance?
Watch the trailer
The check for 2,500 euros awaits the contestant who manages to present the best outfit, but the end of the day holds a big twist for everyone!
Today at 18:00
READ MORE: Transgender student viciously assaulted at the University of Patras.
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