The best taxi in Europe is Greek! 

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Who would ever think that the best taxi in Europe could be found in Greece?

It's Sunday morning in the rather sleepy Areopolis. Only the church bells - and Maniates have many of them - can be heard calling the faithful. But another faith is heard approaching from somewhere far away.

A bassy, ​​punchy growl that grabs your attention - something you don't expect to hear at such a time.

In the square of Areopolis, you see a grey, polished Mercedes with the sign "TAXI" on the roof.

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This is a taxi with a 4-litre V8, with 612 horse power, a pure sports construction. This is definitely the craziest taxi that exists in Greece.

Its owner is Christos Kalapotharakos. After the initial startle from a morning guy who looks at him like he's dumb and full of questions, solves the riddle for us.

Yeah, it's no joke. It's a taxi, after all. And yes, it's true, this is no ordinary AMG package. But for the real thing.

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The price?

"The catalog says 180,000, but I got it for around 130,000 with the exemptions," claims Christos to News Auto.

The rear spoiler was specially ordered by him in Germany and the engine is hidden under its own customised hood.

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The beautiful Haxer rims are 20 inches with the ceramic brake package. And the exhaust tips from Brabus have special flaps so that the mad stones sigh even at idle.

We don't want to imagine what happens at full throttle. Because this engine, from a sound point of view is the most porous that one can hear in the era of electrification and hybrids.

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Consumption is of course an issue. Especially when it comes to taxis.

"It gives me 15 litres on the open road, if I push it I go well past 20 litres," replies Christos.

For the fans of the taxi drivers, these are obviously numbers beyond all logic (and even super unleaded). But logic has no place here. Here is Mani, it's not a laughing matter.

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It is of course also the rest of the E63 S production "package". Sophisticated four-wheel drive, incredible brakes, reinforced chassis ready to hit the track, suspension for a seminar. And all this in an almost five-metre sedan, ready to swallow any two-seater Italian or German that will be on its way.

Christos Kalapotharakos uses it for VIP transport, the very VIP transfers. And for those lucky ones they can tell their friends about a ride in the most extreme taxi they have ever seen in their life in a magical place full of stones and myths at the bottom of Europe.

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The day goes on, there are other jobs to be done besides fooling around with a bad AMG with a taxi "hat" somewhere in Areopolis.

And this might be one of the last times we get to hear such an engine alive before plug-ins and four-cylinder hybrids suffocate us.


However, if the road to Mani takes you, apart from enjoying the local dishes of Areopolis and the walks in the shadow of the towers (walking has brought it to life), don't miss - if you can - a "pilgrimage" to AMG of Kalapotharakos. You cannot miss it!

See the video:

READ MORE: MG returns to Greece.