Haris Alexiou: "The Tango of Nefelis" has been released in a new audio format (VIDEO)

Haris Alexiou

Haris Alexiou trusts some of her best-known and favourite songs to the new generation of artists to give them a new lease on life. One is "The tango of Nefelis", released on Monday with a different, modern musical approach.

Listen to the song:

"The Tango of Nefelis", with lyrics by the performer herself and music by Loreena McKennitt, was included in the 1996 album "Turning the World" and was a great success and continues to be heard today.

This is Haroula's second song released with a new musical approach after "Anthropos tou Kavo". Both tracks will be part of the new record titled 'Reworks', which will be released in the Autumn.

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