BLUE HORIZON: Greek ships will remain docked on September 13 in strike

piraeus ship blue horizon

A 24-hour strike that will keep all ships docked nationwide on Wednesday, September 13, was announced by the Panhellenic Seamen's Federation (PNO) on Friday to protest the death of a 36-year-old man after he was pushed off from members of the Blue Horizon ferry crew.

It underlined that Greek seamen are exemplary professionals, and every day, they fight to protect human life at sea, adding that they should not be targeted as a whole for the recent tragic event in the port of Piraeus.

The video of the murder

As the days pass since the tragic incident on the Blue Horizon ship, where crew members pushed the 36-year-old Antonis into the sea and died, the circumstances under which it happened are beginning to become clear.

The unprecedented events were interconnected. Not only did they throw the unfortunate Antonis into the sea, but afterwards, the ship did not hold the engines to start a rescue operation, something unprecedented in maritime history.

By not stopping the engine, there were violations of maritime law since, according to international regulations and customary law.

In addition to prosecuting four crew members, the Piraeus District Attorney ordered an urgent criminal investigation by the Prosecutor's Office into the responsibilities of the Coast Guard to establish whether its representative was at the scene as he should have been to prevent the tragedy and what he did when the ship sailed leaving the 36-year-old helpless.

For the abandonment of 36-year-old Antonis in the sea, resulting in his drowning, as admitted by the ship's owning company, Attica Group, "At the time he gave the order to sail, there was no incident on the ramp."

"Afterwards, a man was caught falling into the sea by the Bridge camera. The master's assessment and decision were also wrong and completely contradicted the training he has received and regular maritime practice," the company added.

Apart from the captain, all involved crew members had visual contact with the incident.

As for the prohibition of the victim's entry to the ship, it was done by the decision of the Captain, and as the company claims, "it was done for security reasons, as the ship was in the process of leaving and boarding had been completed."

In the same announcement, the company accepts, however, that "his violent repulsion is not justified under any circumstances and for any reason."

To the ramp, and while the ship was already in motion, they had to let him pass and not push him towards where he was moving, i.e., to the ramp that had begun to rise. Authorities are investigating why the two crew members were obsessed with getting the passenger off.

The mistake was made from the beginning.

According to insiders, from the moment the passenger boarded, the captain was to start the ship if the ramp had first been secured. This is non-compliance with article 22 of PD 177/2000, which in paragraph 11 states that "the securing of the ramp and the safety door must be done before the ship sails under the captain's responsibility".

Also evident in the video that captured the incident is the absence of the port authorities near the ship, as provided by article 14 of the ministerial decree, which states that the duties of the port police are "to take the appropriate measures during the boarding and departure of passenger ensure the smooth and safe movement of passengers and vehicles in the onshore port areas and boarding/disembarking".

READ MORE: TRIKALA: "We went through wars, famine, but for the first time we drowned," says 104-year-old yiayia.