Daniel Storm: Greek marine laid in the mud for elderly flood victims to walk over him

daniel storm

The magnitude of self-sacrifice and the emotional burden under which the personnel of the Armed Forces are, in the context of operations to free residents from the flooded villages of the Thessalian plain from Daniel storm, is captured by the photo of a marine in mud to help pass over it an elderly woman in Keramidi.

This is one of the flooded villages of Farkadona municipality in the prefecture of Trikala, one of the first to be buried under tons of muddy water, the height of which in some places even exceeded 3 metres.

The marine, a permanent member of the Armed Forces, serves as a non-commissioned officer in the 32nd Marine Brigade (32 TAX PZ "Moravas") in Volos and according to officials who have served with him, he is distinguished by a good attitude and sense of duty, having completed the relevant "special schools" that the commandos go through.

The impressive thing is that the particular photo snapshot, which was posted on social media by the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Konstantinos Floros, does not reflect the whole reality as the photographed woman is the fourth to get off the boat and walk over the mud on the marine.

Earlier, three elderly people had passed over him whom the boat with the men of 32 TAX PZ had collected from their flooded houses in the village of Keramidi.

"A huge 'Wow', a huge 'Thank you' and boundless, deep respect for your toil, toil, sweat and total dedication to the Cause... Continue PASSIVELY to save human lives, alleviate human suffering, and help our fellow human beings! The Armed Forces of the Homeland are once again at the side of society for as long as needed, where needed and with all the means at their disposal. I have complete trust in you! We are where GREECE needs us, and we are continuing!!" wrote Floros,

READ MORE: Daniel Storm: Standing water, mud and dead animals threaten residents and rescuers in Thessaly.