Athens Woof Festival 2023: The funniest dog photos submitted

athens wolf festival 2023 dog

On the weekend of September 23 and 24, the Region of Attica held the Woof Festival 2023 in Pedion tou Areos in Athens, with the participation of animal welfare associations, veterinarians, and trainers.

As you can imagine, dogs had a great time!

Many adoptable pooches found a forever home and left their kennels to leave the festival with their new guardians. Trainers and groomers educated people on caring for and raising their furry friends, and spectators watched champion dogs participate in agility and obedience competitions.

On Saturday, the trainer, Kostas Koilias, advised the guardians on the care and training of their dogs. On Sunday, a photo booth was where the guardians and their faithful companions captured the moment and left with a photographic souvenir.

Also, To Pet Mou organised a photo contest for the funniest face. Dog guardians sent the funniest photo of their puppy (we said, at any age, to their guardian, doggies are puppies!) We're sharing favourites with you, and we hope they make you smile!

1 77

2 36

3 53

4 28

5 59

6 32

7 24

8 19

9 23

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