Giorgos Karatzaferis: “Greece should hold a referendum on same-sex marriage; Family unit is dissolving”

gay LGBTIQQ athens greece Giorgos Karatzaferis

Giorgos Karatzaferis spoke to ANT1 about Stefanos Kasselakis and Tyler’s wedding on Thursday in New York and commented that Greece should hold a referendum on same-sex marriage.

The former president of the Popular Orthodox Rally said, “All this is a bad model that will have side effects on the traditional institution of the family, which is headed for dissolution.” He added, “For 2,000 years, we have lived with a specific model that speaks of man, woman and children”.

Referring to SYRIZA and the election of Stefanos Kasselakis as president of the party, he said, “I thought that the leftists with the struggles they have given have some values ​​and that they would not accept being in the shadow of Tyler.”

Furthermore, he emphasised that “children who grow up normally are later influenced by all these standards shown on television”.

At the same time, he proposed holding a referendum in the country on the marriage of same-sex couples.

Kasselakis was in New York on Thursday to tie the knot with his partner, Tyler McBeth, as Greek law extends only to cohabitation agreements for same-sex couples.

The opposition leader has also expressed the couple’s desire to adopt, which they cannot do in Greece either.

According to reports, the couple got married in a private ceremony at their home in the seaside community of the Hamptons.

In the meantime, Kasselakis is also reported to be arranging an informal gathering in downtown New York on Friday to meet prominent members of the city’s Greek-American community.

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