Acropolis Museum visitor shockingly defecated behind the Athena Niki relief

Acropolis museum

During visiting hours, a shocking incident occurred in the Acropolis Museum in Athens as a visitor defecated behind the Athena Niki relief on the museum’s first floor.

The incident took place on Sunday morning, October 22, and thus a time when the Acropolis Museum is considered a model museum and expects to host and show the Parthenon Sculptures – if and when they ever return to the country that gave birth to them.

According to exclusive information obtained by the news website, an unknown person defecated on the museum’s first floor in the Athena Niki relief exhibition area. The incident occurred at 9:30-10:00 on Sunday, October 22, 2023.

This incident happened during the antiquities guard’s break – during which there was no replacement – and the fact that the incident was noticed by a museum visitor who notified those in charge is shameful, News247 noted.

This incident was not the first weird one raising questions about the security measures.

“In any case, such incidents must be investigated to correct any errors and failures in the procedures before something irreparable happens,” noted the website, adding: “That is why we asked the Museum to comment, but it never answered our questions.”

“The Acropolis Museum is understaffed and on autopilot”

The Museum may not have commented, but its workers did.

They complained about the insufficient security measures of the museum, as well as the weak training of its security staff.

The lack of information about the museum staff is one of the main reasons these problems arise. Many of the new guards do not even know the emergency exits

Staff’s requests about an emergency, evacuation and disaster response to the Museum’s management remain unanswered.

“The Acropolis Museum is understaffed and on autopilot,” they complained.

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