State Theatre "Eastern Odyssey" concert to commemorate 101st Anniversary of the Catastrophe of Smyrna

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Sydney's iconic State Theatre will be hosting the highly anticipated "An Eastern Odyssey"  concert by the Australian Byzantine Choir and the Aegean Quartet on Friday, 1 December  2023, with audiences expected to be taken on a poignant musical journey commemorating the 101st Anniversary of the Catastrophe of Smyrna.

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The concert will delve into the heart-wrenching narrative of the Asia Minor Catastrophe of Smyrna and Pontus and deliver the emotive power of the music as it journeys through stories of courage, love, tragedy and the unbreakable spirit of a people.


ABC choir

"Experience the captivating beauty of Byzantine chant, widely regarded as one of the oldest musical traditions still performed today. This ancient vocal art-form beautifully merges spirituality and artistry, its intricate melodies resonating with sacred origins. Haunting vocal drones intertwine with the melodies, creating a mesmerising tapestry of sound. Immerse yourself in the resplendent chants that honour the Orthodox Church's major ecclesiastical feast days. Let the ethereal vocals of the Australian Byzantine Choir transport you to sacred realms, touching your soul with their heavenly resonance." read the announcement from the choir.

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