Mea Culpa: New Democracy knows Pakistani money is constructing an illegal mosque in Megara

mea culpa illegal mosque megara

Is the government turning a blind eye or acquiescing? Erdogan's friends spread their plans. 

The issue was brought to parliament with his question by the independent member of parliament, Konstantinos Bogdanos, but it is familiar, and on the contrary, reported Mea Culpa, it has a long history and political continuity, as the government of the New Democracy fully implements the SYRIZA practices.

June 2019: The Islamic Mosque of Athens in Votanikos, in the presence of the then Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Kostas Gavroglou, was inaugurated despite strong reactions.

Mr. Gavroglou, delighted, said: "The mosque was built exclusively with the money of the Greek people, and the Greek state will pay its operating costs. No one has the right to prevent someone from coming, even if they have a different opinion about the functioning of the mosque. Athens finally has a place of prayer for citizens, immigrants, refugees and visiting Muslims”.

Some talked about vote hunting.

The works of the unfinished mosque were completed during New Democracy and, more specifically, on November 2, 2020, when its official opening took place. The logic - but also the official "line" - has always been the same: A mosque that was created with the money of the Greek people and whose purpose was to have the relevant control regarding its operation, at the same time closing all illegal mosques. 

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However, in the same month, in the year 2019, according to a parliamentary question tabled a few days ago by the independent Member of Parliament A of Athens, Konstantinos Bogdanos, the Pakistani community bought a large plot of land in Megara, starting to build a two-story mosque in the style of the Islamic mosque in Athens, almost at the same time as the inauguration that took place in Botanikos. It is an oversized construction with a huge basement and ground floor.

As you will see from the following posts, the works at Megara had already started on June 12, 2019:

12 Iouniou Megara Tzami

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Two years later, and specifically in July 2021, the first "big rehearsal" took place in the unfinished building, with a prayer for Eid al-Adha and speeches despite the flawed protection measures during the pandemic.

The chairman of the committee and Imam of the mosque, Muhammad Irfan Sultani, is responsible for the construction.


Who is Muhammad Irfan Sultani?

Photo from the opening of the mosque in Votanikos.
The imam of the mosque is a person with intense socio-political activity. He is the founder and mastermind of the association "TANZEEM GULZARE MADINA", which will eventually be the name of the mosque.

It has been recognised by the Magistrate's Court of Megara and considered by the Court of First Instance of Athens.

This is exactly the trick mosques do to function, having been recognised as cultural associations.

Muhammad Irfan Sultani makes sure he is unionised and participating, as you will see in speeches of unions of the prefecture of Attica.


At the same time, he led Kashmir-related marches outside the Indian embassy.

We often see him expanding his public relations and taking pictures with important people.

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And, of course, we couldn't miss the fact that he openly declared his support for the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Does the Mayor of Megara know that a mosque is being built in his Municipality?

Mr. Grigoris Stamoulis, Lieutenant General as independent mayor of Megara in his second term, seems to know Muhammad Irfan Sultani well, as he accepted his congratulations on his re-election.

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Cheating, therefore, on the relevant question, it seems improbable for Mr. Stamoulis not to be aware that a mosque is being built in his Municipality. He himself appears to be quite networked since he recently welcomed the prime minister. unnamed45

From the warehouse to the bunkhouse – The role of Ahmed Shahbah Siddiqui

The Pakistani mosque in Megara has been in a basement/warehouse for years. SYRIZA had started giving licenses to all these illegal mosques.

Typical examples: The centre of the Peristeri Pakistanis and the Piraeus Shiites, with legalised outdoor self-flagellations. Recognising the cultural Association we saw above is now considered a "permission".

The existing mosque in Megara:

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It is worth noting that the construction of the new mosque is supervised by Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Chief Imam of the Pakistani community, Javed Aslam's right-hand man and head of religious affairs.


Siddiqui contributed to the financial support and assured that this mosque would only be the beginning. More to come…


As for his beliefs, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui does not hide. He openly declares himself a supporter of Erdogan, to the point where one can wonder if everyone is a "planter" after all.



How the costs for the construction of the mosque were covered - The visit of the great Imam from Birmingham

The works continued, and the question was raised about how the financing of the plot and construction came about. It would be quite difficult to meet the expenses with funds from ordinary Pakistani community members since it is the second largest after the Votanikos mosque.





The questions were resolved with the visit of a Grand Imam from Birmingham to inspect the works in March 2020.

Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan Qadri is an official and often travels to Islamabad to receive directions.

Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan Qadri is a world-renowned scholar of Islamic doctrine and the spiritual science of Sufism. He is the direct descendant of Sultan Bahu.

As the leader of the Sarwari Qadri Sufi Order, Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan Qadri is a guide and teacher to approximately 1 million Muslims worldwide, particularly in South Asia, the United Kingdom and Europe.

In Greece, he enjoys great respect and recognition from the members of the Pakistani community.

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This particular Imam visits Greece very often and attends the legal-illegal Pakistani mosques.


At the beginning of March, he was back in Greece...


Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan Qadrio is the direct descendant of Hazrat Sultan Bahu and the Chairman of Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust, Takbeer TV Islamic Channel and Pakistan Milli Tehreek.




As expressly stated on the foundation's website, The Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust is a registered charity founded in 1983 by Sultan Fiaz ul Hassan Qadri and Sheikh Sultan Niaz ul Hassan Sarwari Qadri. At the heart of this venture was the preservation and understanding of God's message…
The Trust established its headquarters and first mosque in 1983 in a three-storey 19th-century building that originally housed the old Mozart Works piano factory in Balsall Heath, Birmingham. It has since developed more than 20 centres and numerous partnerships across the UK and has built a national reputation for religious guidance, educational programs and publications for the Muslim community.
The Mosque has become not only a primary place of worship for the Muslim community but a focal point for the larger community as a whole. HSBT has firmly established itself as a leader in the British community by offering countless educational courses and community projects.
Since then, HSBT has produced hundreds of Huffaz (memorisers of the entire Islamic holy book, the Qur'an) and Ulema (scholars with special knowledge of Islamic holy law and theology) who are now spreading the message of peace worldwide.
HSBT is also the founder of many sister organisations (Birmingham Qur'an Academy, As-Siraat, Takbeeer TV and many others under its umbrella).
We note that in April 2020, Fiazul Hassan Qadri met in Islamabad with Imran Khan and the minister of religious affairs, as you will see in the following video.


Fiazul Hassan Qadri was in Greece shortly before the works began in Megara, in May 2019. And here is the juice of the story.
In June, he announces that the construction project is being undertaken by his foundation (Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust), while also publishing the account of the union "TANZEEM GULZARE MADINA" for offers from abroad.
Watch the video:

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At the same time, various English-language Pakistani media are reporting on the progress of the works at the Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust mosque.
Fiazul Hassan Qadri, like all the aforementioned, is a supporter of Erdogan.
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The Pakistani embassy is pulling the strings.

The Pakistani embassy and Pakistani intelligence (ISI) nest periodically call all the Imams of the mosques for directions. They control them completely, even those close to Javed Aslam, whose courtiers regularly go in and out of the embassy.

Ambassador Muhammad Nadeem Khan is expected to be replaced. According to Mea Culpa, he is charged with the failure of communication management and dealing with the "attacks" received by the Pakistani community.
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In the following video, you will see a report from an English-language Pakistani channel on the progress of the projects. A Pakistani group owns UK44 and has its studios in London.
All belong to Islamabad's network of influence.
The construction of this particular mosque will create a deed. The ultimate goal is to build a mosque in every neighbourhood in Greece, as in Britain.
Mea Culpa concludes that the mayor of Megara since 2014, cannot fail to have noticed the Pakistanis who have been building a mosque in his Municipality for over two years, with funding from Islamabad. Have studies been done, studies approved, and a building permit issued?
The narrative of New Democracy was: "We are building Votanikos with money from the budget to control them and close all illegal mosques". So here, if they know and allow a mosque the size of Votanikos to be built in secret, with money from Islamabad, they are fooling the world. If they don't know, then they are just dangerous.
In conclusion, said Mea Culpa, the project is expected to be completed this year, after which even Allah will not move it.