Brown bears hibernate for the winter at Arcturos shelter in Nymfaio

brown bear Arcturos

The brown bears in Nymfaio have started hibernating for the winter following the recent colder weather and snow, according to an Arcturos announcement on Friday.

The Arcturos Brown Bear Sanctuary in Nymfaio stopped receiving visitors on Sunday, 17 December, as the bears went into hibernation. It is the first time the bears have entered winter hibernation so early in the 31-year operation of Arcturos.

The centre will remain closed until March 2024. The visitors can visit the Brown Bear Information Centre in Nymfaio and the Wolf and Lynx Protection Centre at Agrapidies. Both sites will be open every day until January 7, 2024.

Arcturos is a non-profit, non-governmental environmental organisation (NGO) founded in 1992 that protects wild fauna and natural habitats in Greece and abroad.

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