Poll Finds Majority Against Same-Sex Marriage by Referendum But Also Against Gay Adoption Rights

same-sex marriage gay homosexual lgbtq

A poll conducted by research company GPO has found that a majority is against deciding on same-sex marriage by referendum but is also firmly against gay adoption rights.

Specifically, GPO’s data suggests that of all respondents, 32.2% are firmly in favor of gay marriage, 16.9% are likely in favor, 5.4% are likely against, and 42.9% are firmly against, with the remaining 2.6% being undecided.

On the issue of children being adopted by same-sex people, 16.3% are firmly in favor, 11.9% are likely in favor, 9.5% are likely against, and 60.2% are firmly against, while 2.1% of respondents are undecided.

Regarding the question of allowing same-sex couples to adopt via surrogate mothers, which is not part of the government’s proposed bill, 10.9% are in favor, 7.4% are likely in favor, 7.7% are likely against, 71% are firmly against, while 3% were undecided.

Clerical suggestions to conduct a national referendum on the matter had 36.1% of respondents in favor or likely supportive of the idea, while 60.9% were likely or firmly against it, with 3% being undecided.

While a majority of ruling center-right New Democracy voters are against the bill, support among voters of parties to New Democracy’s left is not overwhelming either.