On Thursday, Google announced that its Bard chatbot is now available in Greek, powered by the artificial intelligence language model Gemini Pro. In December 2023, Google introduced Gemini, its largest and most advanced AI model, in English, marking a significant breakthrough in the field of AI. Bard, Google’s chat-based AI tool, will now utilize a specially tuned version of the Gemini Pro model, enabling it to excel in tasks such as understanding, summarizing, perception, code generation, and programming. In order to ensure responsible AI practices, Google has collaborated with experts, legislators, and regulatory authorities to uphold privacy standards during this expansion.
A 55-year-old Turkish national was apprehended near Alexandroupolis, Greece, on charges of importing and possessing…
Spartan women, unlike their counterparts in other Greek city-states, enjoyed a degree of freedom and…
A 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck Evia on Thursday afternoon, with tremors felt across Attica, including Athens.…
The Battle of Gaugamela, fought on October 1, 331 BCE, stands as one of the…
The funeral of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania was held in Tirana,…
As Greece eagerly anticipates the Ethnikós Telikós 2025, the competition to represent the country in…