Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the 26th Thessaloniki Film Festival, 'My Stolen Planet,' a poignant Iranian documentary by Farahnaz Sharifi, has emerged victorious, clinching the festival's top prize. The event commenced with the screening of 'They Shot the Piano Players' by Fernando Trueba, who was also honoured with the prestigious Golden Alexander award for his outstanding contributions to cinema.
Hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece, the 26th edition of the International Documentary Festival has captivated audiences with its diverse lineup of over 250 films. This year's thematic focus, 'Citizen Queer', celebrates LGBTQI+ narratives through a compelling selection of documentaries.
Among the standout entries, 'My Stolen Planet' resonated deeply with viewers, offering a poignant glimpse into pre-revolutionary Iran through archival footage. Director Farahnaz Sharifi's evocative portrayal of life before the 1979 Revolution captivated audiences, shedding light on a pivotal era in Iranian history. However, Sharifi herself remains in Germany, unable to return to her homeland.
(Source: Euronews)