Ada Nicodemou, renowned for her portrayal of Leah Patterson-Baker on the Australian soap opera 'Home and Away', has unveiled her first venture into children's literature. The 46-year-old actress, of Greek descent, shared the inspiration behind her creation, 'Mia Megastar', during an exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph.
Reflecting on her own journey from a young dreamer to a seasoned performer, Nicodemou revealed that the narrative draws heavily from her upbringing as the daughter of Greek immigrants in Sydney. "I never had a book like this growing up, I didn’t really have people on TV that looked like me either," she expressed, emphasising the significance of representation in media for individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Nicodemou shared that she hopes the book will resonate with young readers from varied cultural landscapes, underscoring the importance of cultural affirmation in childhood literature. "When you’re growing up, you want to see culture related back to you and hopefully this book does that," she remarked.
The characters in 'Mia Megastar' are not merely figments of imagination but rather drawn from real-life figures, including Nicodemou's son, her brother, and her mother. With a hint of playful nostalgia, the actress revealed, "It is quite fun, it pokes fun at my Greek culture and just the hilarious rules that my mum has that make no sense."
While Nicodemou's creative pursuits continue to flourish, her on-screen persona, Leah Patterson-Baker, prepares for her fourth wedding on Home and Away. Set to exchange vows with fiancée Justin Morgan, portrayed by James Stewart, Leah's journey takes a poignant turn with the return of her on-screen son, VJ Patterson, portrayed by Matt Little, in a cameo appearance.
Little's reprisal of the character marks a significant narrative arc, following VJ's departure in 2017, when he fled to Cyprus with his daughter Luc, amid the aftermath of his late wife Billie's demise. Offering a glimpse into the forthcoming nuptials, a teaser shared by 'Home and Away' showcased VJ walking a beaming Leah down the aisle towards Justin, evoking anticipation among ardent fans.
As the countdown begins for Leah's matrimonial milestone, viewers eagerly await the April premiere, set to witness the culmination of yet another captivating storyline in the iconic Australian drama series.
(Source: Daily Mail UK)