FASTING RECIPE: Traditional octopus with macaroni

octopus with macaroni fasting

Octopus with macaroni is a classic and favourite recipe to enjoy during the fasting period.


1 kilo of octopus
300g macaroni
3 tsp. vinegar
70g extra virgin olive oil
One finely chopped onion
4-5 ripe tomatoes, medium, chopped
One hot pepper, chopped
1 tsp. tomato paste
1 tsp. parsley


Step 1

Wash the octopus well and boil it with the vinegar and a cup of water over low heat (with the pot covered) until it softens. Remove it from the pot, keeping as much broth as is left. Let it cool, and then cut it into medium pieces.

Step 2

Heat the oil and lightly sauté the onion. Add the tomatoes, the hot pepper, and the tomato paste after dissolving it in a cup of water. As soon as it comes to a boil, add the broth you have reserved, the macaroni, and the octopus and turn down the heat. Cover the pot and let it boil for 10-15 minutes. Uncover and leave the food in the pot for 3-4 minutes before serving.

Step 3

Serve with coarsely chopped fresh parsley.

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Photography: Giorgos Dracopoulos - Food Styling: Tina Webb

Tina Webb is a columnist for Cantina. Translated by Paul Antonopoulos.

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