SKY Express has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative to promote year-round tourism in Greece, heralding a significant step forward for the country's travel industry. This major undertaking, initiated by the Greek airline, aims to extend the tourist season into the winter months, diversify travel patterns, and stimulate economic growth.
A pilot project launched in Crete marks the inaugural phase of SKY Express's initiative to promote year-round tourism. By continuing flights on the Paris-Heraklion Airport route throughout November, SKY Express is setting a precedent for extending the tourist season in one of Greece's premier destinations. Leveraging the synergies of the IOGR Group hotel, SKY Express is bolstering its efforts to prolong the tourism season by collaborating with local hospitality partners to offer extended services beyond the summer months.
The decision to extend flights on the Paris-Heraklion route until November underscores the strategic importance of the French market recognized as one of the most vibrant and active contributors to Greece's tourism sector. Gerasimos Skaltsas, Chief Commercial Officer of SKY Express, expressed optimism about the pilot project's potential to yield significant benefits and pave the way for broader implementation across Crete and other regions of Greece.
This groundbreaking initiative has garnered support from the Hellenic Tourism Organisation, reflecting a shared commitment to advancing year-round tourism in Greece. Dimitris Fragakis, General Secretary of the Hellenic Tourism Organisation, emphasized the importance of extending the tourist season as a central priority, highlighting the potential to enhance visitor traffic from France and bolster local economies.
In tandem with its efforts to extend the tourism season, SKY Express has collaborated with the Greek National Tourism Organisation on an annual co-advertising programme to promote Greece as a premier tourist destination. Through strategic advertising campaigns reaching over 20 million consumers across Europe, SKY Express and GNTO have continuously showcased Greece's diverse attractions and travel experiences.
The success of SKY Express extends beyond its initiatives in Greece. The airline is experiencing remarkable growth on domestic routes and expanding its European network. With a fleet of modern and environmentally friendly aircraft, SKY Express is poised to further elevate Greece's tourism industry and cement its position as a leading airline in the region.