Summer foods you can give your dog – Which ones to avoid?

dog eating yoghurt

Our favourite season is here, and it has made its presence felt immediately as the temperature has hit red and Greece suffers through a heatwave.

Now, we try in every way to cool down due to the unbearable heat, both for us and for our best friends, our dogs. But one thing does not change even at this time of year, and that is our love for food.

In the summer, you can add some more refreshing foods and remove others that are heavier for our stomachs. Of course, our dog is there waiting for us to give him a bite of whatever we're eating.

But, just like in the winter, we should be cautious with what we give our faithful friends. Excessive consumption of some foods can lead to obesity and other health problems, so they should be offered in moderation.

Let's see which foods our dog can safely eat in the summer.

Watermelon and blueberries: Whether fresh or frozen, these two fruits are essential for summer. Refreshing, tasty, and low sugar content, they can be offered to our dog in small amounts almost daily. Wash them well, peel them, and remove the seeds.

Watermelons grow listening to classical music

● Vegetables: Fresh vegetables are not only delicious, they are also very nutritious for dogs. You can give your dog carrots, capsicum, cucumber or broccoli. Before deciding to give your dog a vegetable, it is good to research whether it is allowed and not to overdo it with the amount, at least at first. Gradually and after ensuring that the particular vegetable is not toxic, you can introduce it into their diet to cool them down on hot summer days.

● Cheese: Cheese is not only a summer snack but an all-weather food you can give to your dog. You should gradually introduce it into your dog's diet to ensure it does not cause stomach disorders. Also, it is good to choose low-fat cheese without much salt.

● Yoghurt: What is valid with cheese is also valid with yoghurt. Your favourite yoghurt refreshes our days and can be consumed in many ways. So, give your dog some yoghurt, always in moderation. Yoghurt desserts are prohibited because they contain sugar.

Greek yogurt

● Lean meat: Meat is a good source of protein, and your dogs can eat it without fear. Ensure that it does not contain bones, fats, or spices and is well-cooked.

● Coconut: Coconut, coconut oil, and coconut treats are safe and can be consumed by dogs. This excellent fruit benefits dogs' health, so maybe it's time to give some to your four-legged friend.


What foods to avoid?

Not all foods are safe in the summer. Some fruits, such as avocados and grapes, should be avoided because they are highly toxic and can even cause death.

As we mentioned above, bones from meat, as well as fats, are not allowed because they are dangerous and can cause various health issues, from pancreatitis to choking.

Also, as much as we like ice cream and can eat two kilos in one sitting, we should never give it to our dog because it contains sugar or other sweeteners that are particularly harmful. There are fantastic ice creams for dogs that can be bought from pet shops or made with the ingredients we have at home.


Before deciding what to feed our dog, we should ensure that it is not toxic. Moderation is everything, even if you are allowed to give everything you eat to your pets. Finally, since it is summer and the temperatures are high, keep in mind that food spoils much more quickly, so you should be extra careful.

Konstantina Malliou is a columnist for To Pet Mou. Translated by Paul Antonopoulos.

READ MORE: The best fruits and vegetables to eat during a heatwave.