Cyprus Records Second Death from Heatstroke Amid Soaring Temperatures

A second elderly individual has succumbed to heatstroke in Cyprus following a week-long heatwave that has seen record-breaking temperatures for June.

State Health Services Organization spokesman Charalambos Charilaou confirmed that an 84-year-old woman passed away on Friday, just one day after being admitted to the hospital. Additionally, three other elderly patients remain in serious condition due to the extreme heat.

Throughout the week, temperatures have consistently exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, exacerbating conditions on the east Mediterranean island nation. The high temperatures, combined with strong winds, have significantly hindered firefighting efforts.

In one notable incident, a mountainous area southwest of the capital, Nicosia, saw over 3.2 square kilometres of forest scorched, posing a threat to a nearby village. Last week, 49 residents from two communities in the western Paphos district were evacuated to hotels as wildfires neared their homes. Firefighting aircraft from Greece and Jordan were deployed to assist in controlling the blazes.

Read more: Heatwave

(Source: AP)

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