Greece considers legalising pepper spray for women

pepper spray

Greece is considering legalising pepper spray as a means of defence for women in the context of rising criminality by foreigners and incidents of domestic violence.

“The proposal of the possibility of possessing pepper spray as a means of defence for women, like any other for dealing with gender-based or domestic violence, is useful and interesting to consider,” said the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Andreas Nikolakopoulos, responding to a question from New Democracy MP Efstratios Simopoulos.

The question was asked on the sidelines of the debate on the fight against domestic violence in the Parliament.

After installing the panic button, the Ministry of Citizen Protection is now aiming to allow women to use pepper spray, as Stefanos Siskos reported to OPEN. After all, it is a free and legal means of defence in cases of danger in several countries.

However, Mr Nikolakopoulos added that a series of issues must also be examined.

First, it needs to be examined whether constitutionally there is the possibility of use only to one gender and if it should be given to vulnerable social groups. Also, according to Mr Nikolakopoulos, what must also be considered are the consequences of allowing the use of pepper spray as a means of defence without a license, such as air guns.

READ MORE: Crime explosion in Greece – 55% of prisoners are migrants.