Rebel Wilson becomes Greek: "This is how you smash plates yeah?"

Rebel Wilson

The Aussie actress revealed to her social media followers a few days ago that she is on vacation in Greece.

After uploading photos from her visit to the Acropolis on Instagram, Rebel Wilson posted a video on TikTok showing her having a great time and learning how the Greeks have fun.

In the clip from her night out at a music venue, Rebel was captured holding two plates and tossing them in the air before smashing them with her hands.

Watch the video:

She captioned the video: "This is how you smash plates yeah?" and did not fail to add a hashtag with the word "Greece" next to her description. At the bottom of the video, she included an emoji with the Greek flag.

Wilson's photos in Athens

Rebel Wilson posted a series of photos from her visit to the Acropolis on her personal Instagram account. The actress was photographed in front of the archaeological site alone and with passers-by who stopped for a snapshot.

She captioned her post: "ACROPOLIS NOW! (Australians from the 80’s will get that!)"

Look at the photos:

READ MORE: Kim Cattrall enjoyed delightful days and nights in Athens with her 14-year-younger partner.

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