Penelope Pitsouli: “What is Marina Satti doing at the Epidaurus Festival?”

20240623 042413

Penelope Pitsouli stated, “She has a great voice, but she wasted it at Eurovision. I didn’t like how she was dressed, she was dressed like Mickey Mouse.”

Penelope Pitsouli made these statements on the show “Geia Sou” with Isidoros Phikaris. The actress responded to questions about the Epidaurus Festival and Marina Satti, among other topics.

“In three years, I’ll be 80. I have two children, five grandchildren and a husband who’s an angel. I’m still standing, whether I’m 30, 40, 50… or 80! What am I going to do at the Epidaurus Festival? Play soccer? In Greece, nepotism reigns supreme. I was never invited to perform at the Epidaurus Festival, and I wasn’t interested either. They’re the ones who missed out, not me,” said Penelope Pitsouli initially.

Penelope Pitsouli continued, “Let’s see what Marina Satti will do at the Epidaurus Festival… She has a great voice, but she wasted it at Eurovision. I didn’t like how she was dressed, she was dressed like Mickey Mouse. What is she doing at the Epidaurus Festival and what will she do?”