Renowned singer Giorgos Sambanis has proposed to model Ioanna Sarri, with wedding bells set to ring soon, according to a reveal by Stamatina Tsimtsili on the show "Happy Day."
The couple, together for nearly three years, appear more in love than ever, frequently seen enjoying each other's company.
Footage from Mykonos Live captured the couple walking hand in hand through Matogiannia, illustrating their enduring affection. Sambanis, who was in Mykonos for a performance at a popular beach bar restaurant in Kalo Livadi, and Sarri, known for her appearance on GNTM, have been inseparable since meeting on the set of the "Let me watch you" music video.
The couple is moving in together, and a wedding announcement is expected soon. Sambanis opened up about their relationship in an interview on "Pame Danae," expressing his happiness and relief at no longer needing to hide his love life. "I was tired of hiding my relationships and not being able to go out. My current relationship was hard to hide. They took a picture of me and Ioanna, and I said enough hiding," he shared.
Reflecting on their early days, Sambanis added, "Ioanna and I met on the set of the 'Let me take care of you' video. We've been together for a few months, and it's been wonderful. I'm in love with Ioanna."
Read more: Celebrities in Mykonos