Turkey Claims Cable-Laying in Greek Continental Shelf, Prompting Dispute with Greece

turkish navy warship

Turkey has issued a NAVTEX (0592/24) announcing cable-laying operations by the vessel C/S Teliri in an area south of Rhodes and east of Crete, claiming this is within the Turkish continental shelf. This area falls within the potential Greek continental shelf, causing tensions with Greece.

The Turkish NAVTEX blocks the area for cable-laying activities from July 1-21, stating it is within the “Turkish continental shelf.” However, Greece has responded by issuing its own NAVTEX (NAVWARN 576/24), announcing the installation of a submarine cable by C/S Teliri from June 25 to July 23, and declaring this area falls within the Greek continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.

It is unclear whether the company operating C/S Teliri has sought permission from Turkey to conduct these activities in an area Turkey has unilaterally declared as part of its continental shelf. Turkey has also issued a separate NAVTEX challenging Cyprus’ announcement regarding C/S Teliri’s work in the Cypriot EEZ, as Turkey does not recognize Cyprus’ maritime delimitations.

The conflicting NAVTEX declarations highlight the ongoing maritime disputes between Turkey and Greece, as Turkey continues to make unilateral claims over areas that overlap with what Greece considers its own continental shelf and exclusive economic zone. This latest incident has the potential to further escalate tensions between the two countries.