A tragic incident unfolded during a traditional sheep shearing fiesta in Lasithi, Crete, where a 36-year-old man lost his life due to gunfire. Initial reports indicate that the victim was found deceased on a street in Katharo plateau by two women on Wednesday evening, showing wounds from gunshots.
Local sources from cretalive.gr revealed that the fiesta commenced in the morning with considerable alcohol consumption, culminating in men firing guns during the event. Amidst the gunfire, the victim, while standing up, was fatally shot by a relative.
Attendees transported the victim to the hospital in a pickup truck, where medical professionals confirmed his death upon arrival. The shooter, overwhelmed by the incident, experienced a breakdown, leading local lawyers to accompany him to the police station the following morning.
The 32-year-old relative admitted to authorities that the shooting was accidental, stating that his firearm discharged unintentionally, resulting in a fatal chest wound to the victim. He has since been arrested and faces charges of manslaughter and firearms violations.
Despite the tragedy, local customs involving celebratory gunfire persist in Crete, with authorities often turning a blind eye to the practice, citing regional cultural norms.