Tempi Tragedy: OSE Executives Summoned Over Leaked Audio


Seven senior executives from the Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE) faced questioning before a public prosecutor on Friday as suspects in connection with the leaking of audio recordings capturing conversations of train drivers on the fatal night of the Tempi train accident, which claimed 57 lives.

Among the seven summoned is the CEO of OSE, all under investigation for potential breaches of official confidentiality laws, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The prosecutor’s inquiry focused on the original, unedited nature of the leaked audio material submitted to the examining magistrate in Larisa, determining it had not been altered or tampered with, thereby dismissing the need for further investigation into its editing.

In a similar vein, individuals responsible for publishing the material were not called in for questioning, as their actions were deemed not to have caused harm to any public sector entity, a prerequisite for prosecution under legal standards.

Read more: Tempi Tragedy