A heartwarming story unfolds in Walsall, where Panikos Panayiotou has transformed his back garden into Lakis Greek Kitchen, a pop-up taverna raising funds for charity.
Inspired by his late father, Lakis, who began building a similar taverna in Cyprus before passing away, Panayiotou spent £17,000 to complete the project and bring it to the West Midlands. Opening its doors in 2014, Lakis Greek Kitchen has become a beloved local tradition.
The taverna operates for two months a year, welcoming diners every Saturday. With a capacity of 55 indoors and an additional 25 under marquees, the space can get quite lively.
"On the last night of the season just gone, we had 242 covers in one night. We had a family fly in from California, because they heard about it. I was in shock," Panayiotou exclaims.
Lakis Greek Kitchen boasts a traditional Greek Cypriot menu, with lamb klefiko as the star dish. But the true heart of the operation lies in its charitable mission. Since opening, the restaurant has donated to various causes, including funding liver transplants and building a sensory room for a young child battling a brain tumor.
"My dad would be very proud," Panayiotou beams. "It's a shame he's not here, but this is what we're doing in his memory." Lakis Greek Kitchen serves as a delicious testament to family, tradition, and the power of community.
(Source: BBC)