Pakistani Shias hold Ashura procession in the centre of Athens, Piraeus


Shia Muslims living in Athens and Piraeus, mainly from Pakistan, held the self-flagellation ceremony.

Ashura is a major Shia Islamic holiday, with which the faithful commemorate the death of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of Islam founder Muhammad and whom Twelver Shiites and Alevis consider Muhammad's successor.

Hussein, along with other members of his family, lost his life during the battle of Karbala. According to the Shiites, Hussein was beheaded, and his tomb, as early as the end of the 7th century, had become a place of pilgrimage.

Public commemorations of Hussein's death have a long history, yet the rituals have evolved over time.

The culmination of the ten days of Ashura events is the self-flagellation ceremony, which is seen as a process of atonement. It is preceded by a long prayer and the eating of protein food for those partaking in the bloody ritual.

The self-flagellation ceremony occurred in the centre of the Greek capital and the port area of Piraeus.

See the video from Athens:

See the video from Piraeus:

[Προσοχή: σκληρές εικόνες] Αναβίωσε το βίαιο έθιμο της Ασούρα, με το αυτοματίγωμα, στον Πειραιά from Orange Press Agency on Vimeo.

Reporting on the event, Mea Culpa said the event was "Muslims making a show of strength."

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