Donkeys are a very loved animal in Greece, but unfortunately, they are poorly understood.
In Greece, donkeys are everywhere—not only in farms and fields but also in our myths, proverbs, and traditions. Many of us grew up with them, and we know that they are not just stubborn and disobedient animals, as they are often attributed, but kind, good-hearted, and intelligent animals who have always helped people.
The donkey is famous for its patience and endurance and symbolises humility. In the New Testament, Christ enters Jerusalem riding a donkey. In Egyptian mythology, the donkey was the symbol of Ra, the sun god.
Unfortunately, the number of donkeys in Greece declined dramatically during the last century, and many donkeys fell victim to abuse as they were called upon to do extremely heavy work in the heat and hardship.
Fortunately, with the help of animal welfare groups and initiatives, things are starting to change.
Let’s look at some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about the adorable donkeys.
- Their big ears help them stay cool
Donkeys originated in Africa and Asia, where herds tended to spread over large areas. Their large ears helped them hear each other – and predators – from miles away.
Also, the large ears helps donkeys shed heat more easily to stay cool in high temperatures.
- They have a special voice
The characteristic braying of donkeys is unique among equids, as it requires an ability that neither horses nor zebras possess: to call when they inhale as well as when they exhale. The braying of each donkey has its own duration and frequency.
- There is a very hairy breed of donkeys
Humans developed Poitou donkeys in the French region of Poitou during the 18th century. They were mainly used to breed mules in Europe (by crossing them with mares).
Unfortunately, like all donkey species, Poitou donkeys have declined dramatically in recent years. In 1977, there were only 44 such animals. Today, their number has increased thanks to the efforts of private breeders and the collective effort to preserve the species.
- Their ancestors are threatened with extinction
There are two species of wild donkeys: the African wild donkey and the Asian wild donkey. Unfortunately, only the former exists today and is in danger of extinction despite the fact that today’s domesticated donkeys originate from them.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the African wild ass is endangered, as it is hunted for food and traditional medicine techniques. In 2014, between 23 and 200 adult animals were in the wild.
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) created in 2017 an Action Plan for the Conservation of the African Wild Ass Equus africanus. There is also legislation to protect the ancestors of donkeys in countries such as Eritrea and Ethiopia.
- They create many types of hybrids
Donkeys are responsible for creating many species of hybrids, as they are closely related to horses and zebras and can breed with both species.
For many years, the creation of hybrids was a particularly popular practice, as mules were used extensively as working animals. Mules are almost always sterile. Crossbreeding of donkeys with zebras has also been noted.
- They are very social
Donkeys are extremely social animals and do not like to be left alone. They evolved as herd animals and form close bonds with other donkeys or other animals, which can last a lifetime.
The close bond between two donkeys is called a pair bond, and, according to research, it should not be broken as this causes stress and a loss of appetite in the donkeys.
- They can be very stubborn
Donkeys are known for their stubbornness and persistence: they won’t budge from their position when they decide they don’t want to do something. This is because they are highly intelligent animals with a keen sense of self-preservation.
If they feel they are in danger, instead of running away, they stay in one spot and refuse to move, thus buying time to decide whether it is safe to move forward or not. This reaction is completely different from how horses react, which, when scared, will run away.
Stella Panopoulou is a columnist for To Pet Mou. Translated by Paul Antonopoulos.
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