Kri-Kri, a renowned Greek dairy company, is making its debut in the U.S. market, starting with supermarket chains in Texas, by introducing its popular Greek Frozen Yoghurt.
The company's expansion follows its successful participation in the IDDBA International Show in Houston, Texas, in June, and Newtopia in Denver, Colorado, in August, where Kri-Kri's products received overwhelmingly positive feedback.
The U.S. launch will feature a variety of flavours and packaging options, showcasing Kri-Kri's expertise in yoghurt and ice cream production. The company highlights that its Greek Frozen Yoghurt is characterised by "Authenticity, Enjoyment, and Wellness," made with real Greek yoghurt, which enhances its unique appeal. Kri-Kri emphasises that this product is not only delicious but also a healthier alternative to traditional ice cream, offering digestive health benefits due to the presence of real yoghurt.