Greece Launches Initiative to Engage Diaspora with New Job Opportunities


On Wednesday, Deputy Foreign Minister George Kotsiras and Spyros Protopsaltis, Head of the Public Employment Service (DYPA), signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at connecting with the Greek diaspora.

The agreement, announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is designed to inform Greeks living abroad about job opportunities in Greece and encourage their return to the Greek labour market.

The memorandum outlines plans to develop initiatives and incentives, including employment opportunities, entrepreneurship, and training programs, to attract Greeks back to Greece. The collaboration will involve sharing information on national and European employment programs and organising informational seminars and events, especially in countries with significant Greek emigration during the economic crisis.

Kotsiras emphasised the goal of reversing the brain drain by providing Greeks abroad with targeted information about returning opportunities. "Through our collaboration with the Public Employment Service, we are taking another step toward reversing the brain drain," he said.

Protopsaltis added, "We are joining forces to create a framework of actions, events, and incentives that will make the Greek labor market attractive once again for thousands of Greeks abroad. We also plan to extend the successful Career Days initiative of DYPA to the global Greek community and international talent."