Forest Owner Steps Up After Vandals Target Local Club

Evangelos Marinakis

Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis and former player Brennan Johnson have rallied to support Pelican Colts FC, a junior football club devastated by vandalism earlier this month.

The club’s Dave Eastwood Sports Ground in Lenton Lane was left unusable after being damaged while travellers occupied the site. Faced with the daunting task of rebuilding, Pelican Colts launched a fundraising campaign with a goal of £10,000.

Touched by their plight, Brennan Johnson, who began his football journey at Pelican Colts before his high-profile transfer to Tottenham last year, donated £1,000 to the cause.

In a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis pledged to match the remaining funds raised, ultimately exceeding the club’s target. Marinakis expressed his sadness over the incident and emphasized his hope for the club’s continued success as a welcoming space for young footballers in Nottingham.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, Pelican Colts Chairman Steve ‘Coco’ Chaplin expressed his gratitude, stating that the donations will be instrumental in getting the club back on its feet. He shared his hope for children to return to playing football at the ground as soon as possible.

Club volunteer Jemma Marriott echoed Chaplin’s sentiments, highlighting the emotional toll the situation has taken on the young players. She expressed heartfelt thanks to the community for their generosity, emphasizing that their actions have brought a much-needed happy ending to a challenging time.