Chicken with carrots and peas is a perfect meal for any day of the week and for any occasion.
800g chicken breast into four fillets
200g peas
200g carrots
150g chopped onion
250ml chicken stock
20ml extra virgin olive oil
¼ bunch dill, chopped
¼ bunch of fennel, chopped
juice of 1 lemon
15g cornflour dissolved in water
salt, freshly ground pepper
Step 1
In a pot over very high heat, sauté the chicken in olive oil for 3 minutes on each side to get colour.
Step 2
Add the onion, carrots, peas, and sauté for another 2 minutes.
Step 3
Season with salt and pepper, add the stock and simmer for 20 minutes. If necessary, tie the sauce with cornflour. Add the dill, fennel and lemon and serve.
Christofos Peskias is a columnist for Cantina. Translated by Paul Antonopoulos.
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