Thessaloniki: Pakistani hid 290 packs of contraband cigarettes in Kapani Market


The 30-year-old was arrested in an operation by the Coast Guard’s Narcotics Enforcement Team, Voria reported.

A 30-year-old Pakistani man found a basement in the Kapani market in Thessaloniki and turned it into a den for contraband tobacco products. However, he was found and arrested on Friday the Regional Drug Prosecution Team (P.O.D.I.N.) of the Port Authority of Thessaloniki.

He was arrested for violating Law 2960/01, “National Customs Code.”

Utilising information that arrived and following discreet surveillance, the Coast Guard found the 30-year-old man inside the basement in Kapani, possessing 290 packs of contraband cigarettes of various brands and 40 packs of contraband tobacco weighing 50 grams each.

All tobacco products did not have the official excise tax band and were handed over to the 3rd Customs House of Thessaloniki to calculate the amount of missing duties and taxes.

The Central Port Authority of Thessaloniki, which is conducting the preliminary investigation, confiscated all the tobacco products and €175, which will be deposited in the Deposit and Loan Fund, the report added.

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