Renowned chef George Diakomichalis is set to take viewers on a culinary adventure with his new series, Let's Eat With George. Premiering on Channel 9 in South Australia and 9Now nationally, the show promises to tantalize taste buds and showcase the diverse flavours of the world.
The final five episodes of the series will take viewers on a journey through Greece, featuring stops in Nafplio, Kalamata, Ancient Olympia, Kalymnos, and Athens. Diakomichalis, known for his award-winning restaurant Kalymnos Pastries, will delve into local cuisines and share his passion for cooking.
Diakomichalis's lifelong friend and fellow chef, Nick Mavragelos, will join him. Together, they will create simple and delicious recipes that viewers can recreate at home. The series will also explore the cultural significance of food, highlighting the stories and traditions behind each dish.
"Let's Eat With George celebrates cooking, culture, and the simple pleasures of sharing a homemade meal with people you care about. I'm thrilled to open my home and share the recipes I've enjoyed with friends and family over the years," he added.
Let's Eat With George is a must-watch for food enthusiasts and those seeking inspiration for their next culinary adventure. With Diakomichalis's expertise and infectious enthusiasm, viewers can expect to be captivated by the diverse flavours and cultures showcased in the series.
Watch Let's Eat With George Season 1, Catch Up TV (