Message from Archbishop Makarios of Australia on the Anniversary of October 28, 1940

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With deep emotion and national pride, we honour today the glorious anniversary of October 28, 1940, the resounding “OXI” that the Greek people proclaimed against the audacious ultimatum of their would-be conquerors.

Despite its limited means of defence, a poor and suffering nation stood tall against the powerful Italian-German Axis. With unity, brave spirit, and faith in God, the Greek people defended their homeland, democracy, and human dignity.

Through their heroic example, our ancestors urge us to reflect on the significance of patriotism and the universal ideals for which they fought and sacrificed during the epic struggle of ’40. They remind us of the greatness of our faith, which continually inspires, strengthens, and fortifies our unity.

OXI DAY The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

Living in a time with different conditions and challenges, our minimal duty to them is to raise our own “OXIs” against forgetfulness, the decline of principles and values, and the attempts to abandon the sacred tenets of our faith and heritage.

We say “OXI” to forgetfulness! We preserve and safeguard our historical memory so that we can pass it on intact to future generations. Our children must know that they are descendants of heroes, feel pride, and be inspired by their virtues in their own choices and decisions. An additional reason for our diaspora, especially in the fifth continent, to safeguard historical memory is that during the fight against the forces of fascism and Nazism, the Greek people stood alongside the heroes of the ANZACs, the brave soldiers of Australia and New Zealand. It was there that another link in the strong chain connecting our peoples was forged.

We also say “OXI” to the decline of principles and values! In a world where individualism is promoted at the expense of solidarity and cooperation for the common good, this anniversary serves as an opportunity to reflect on how our ancestors refused to negotiate their freedom and dignity, rejected any compromises, and did not betray their ancestral values and ideals. Their courageous stance encourages us to fight, with all our might, against unfreedom, totalitarianism, injustice, and any insult to human dignity.

Lastly, we say “OXI” to the abandonment of the sacred tenets of our faith and heritage! Let us not forget that our national anniversary coincides with a major feast of Orthodoxy, the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God. Our Holy Virgin has always been present in our people's great difficulties and adventures to strengthen and protect them, providing courage and hope when everything seems unbearable and hopeless. Let us emulate the piety of our ancestors by honouring the sacred figure of the Theotokos, defying those who seek to sever the newer generations from the Church, our sacred traditions, and the treasures of our faith.

With these thoughts, I wish all Greeks and Greek Australians a joyful and blessed anniversary. May we all receive heavenly support to prove worthy of our ancestors in the challenges of our time.

Honouring the Anzacs on ‘Oxi Day’

Images Copyright Nick Bourdaniotis / Bourdo Photography