Mina Arnaouti’s “Bomb” Revelation 8 Years After Pantelidis’ Death

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Mina Arnaouti appeared on the show “Proino Sousou” and spoke about the ongoing legal proceedings regarding the tragic car accident that killed Pantelis Pantelidis, seeking substantial compensation. Arnaouti made several impassioned statements, asserting her undeniable right to compensation.

“My health cannot be restored to what it was before. I suffer from chronic pain due to multiple fractures. After 17 surgeries, I rely on painkillers to sleep. I have a disability, even if it’s not visible. I was assessed with a 43% disability by [KEPA – the Greek disability assessment center]. I can’t stand for eight hours. I haven’t been able to erase the day of the accident from my mind.

I’m seeking compensation not for vacations, but because I incurred expenses during my five-month hospital stay. My mother left her job in Mytilene to be with me. The court initially denied my claim for loss of income because I wasn’t officially insured at the place I was working.

The court awarded me less than the €90,000 I sought for the surgeries. Is that a lot of money to claim for 17 surgeries? I listed the maximum amount possible, but I won’t actually receive that much.

I could have exploited the situation, garnering sympathy and attention from the media, allowing cameras to film me entering surgeries in a wheelchair. I didn’t want to showcase the extent to which my life has been ruined. I faced criticism on social media. I even received death threats from anonymous profiles, including threats from people in prison who said they’d kill me upon their release.”

“The accident constantly haunts me. I suffer from various phobias and PTSD. I can’t travel; I’m afraid if I don’t know the driver,” she stated.

“I haven’t spoken to the Pantelidis family. They rightfully received €11,000 from me, but I’ve also filed a lawsuit against them for defamation due to some [offensive] posts they made.”

“Had I known, I wouldn’t have gotten in the car. Pantelis didn’t appear drunk,” she said.

“I will take this all the way to the Supreme Court. I will not accept anything less than fair compensation for the ordeal I’ve endured, including the relentless bullying I’ve faced since the accident. I’ve been demonized. Even if I were a prostitute, wouldn’t I be entitled to compensation after being in a car accident?” she concluded.

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.