Directed by Dr. Brandon R. Olson, Dr. Melanie Godsey, and Dr. Tom Landvatter, the project has unearthed an early-Hellenistic fortified settlement at Pyla-Vigla, overlooking Larnaka Bay.
The findings reveal a military installation from the late 4th and early 3rd centuries BC, with fortification systems and an array of weaponry, including lead sling bullets and projectile points. This year's fieldwork concentrated on examining domestic areas at the center of the plateau, uncovering multiple architectural phases and floor assemblages. Significant discoveries include a 5th-century BC female figurine, intact ceramic vessels, inscribed ammunition, bronze coins, iron daggers, and ornamental items.
To gain a clearer understanding of the site’s architectural layout, the team excavated two existing and two new 5x5 meter trenches and removed three baulks. Future excavations will focus on exploring the site’s interior architecture, residential areas, and fortification system, the team stated.
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